Transition programme Preschool -->Primary teaching
Did you get your Bachelor’s Degree in Preschool Teaching? You can obtain, in one year, the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary teaching. This 60-ECTS programme is organised during the day and the future primary teachers are gathered in the same class.
Thanks to your experience, you will deepen your methodological skills by conducting different learnings with children aged from 6 to 12.
You will be focusing on:
- The acquisition and consolidation of scientific and disciplinary skills
- The integration of teaching skills specific to primary teaching.
Pluralist, creative, open to difference and innovation, the basic education professionals adopt an active and reflexive approach, rejecting all dogmas thanks to a rational mindset based on free examination.
Besides, you will have more job prospects with those two degrees. The students from Luxemburg will also more easily access the competitive exam which rules the admission to the introduction training to become a basic education teacher.
Practical information
Summary of 1 years
01 Transition year
The work placements of this transition year are linked to the courses and professional activities organised by the Haute Ecole. They allow the student to get experience in the management of the learnings related to the 3 cycles of primary teaching. They are aimed at transferring the different methodologies studied during the courses and allow the students to prove their ability to be autonomous in their educational actions.
The holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Teaching can:
- Teach in all the basic education networks in Belgium
- Teach in all the special basic and special secondary education networks in Belgium
- Teach abroad in a Belgian or European school,
- Work in a literacy association,
- Work in a social and professional rehabilitation centre.
Are you interested in this training?
Contact the coordinator.