To help the students to succeed in their studies, the Support for Success Service offers different activities to inform, to help with the academic orientation/reorientation, to assess your skills, to organise remedial classes et to improve your welfare.

SAR activities

  • Preparatory courses organised before the start of the academic year
  • Prerequisite tests
  • “Learn how to be a student” workshops
  • “Handling time and stress” workshops
  • “After the January exams” workshops
  • Remedial classes focused on specific difficulties
  • Supervised lab sessions
  • Free access to the computer labs to work with remedial tutorials
  • Individual interviews can be organised on a student request or on a teacher request for a particular student
  • Block 1’s students tutoring with students from higher blocks
  • Supervised reading period in December and in May

Person in charge of this student service

A coordinator is available for each department in the HEAJ.

Computer graphics department

Marie Gouvars –
“A” building – Executive secretaries office – Avenue de Smet de Nayer 20, 5000 Namur (on call on Mondays and Wednesdays morning)

Economics department

Murielle Lapôtre –

  • Tamines campus -1st floor, premises 11 (individual interviews)

  • Namur campus (individual interviews)

Education department

Sarah Nicolas –

Education campus — 2nd floor — premises 204 – Rue des Dames Blanches 3B, 5000 Namur