The new Erasmus+ Charter, the gateway to exchanges, internships and scholarships of the same name, has been granted to us for the period 2021-2027.

The Erasmus+ Charter allows international mobility activities but also offers more visibility and international recognition to the Haute École Albert Jacquard.

Thanks to the Charter, our students and the HEAJ educational community will still be able to participate in the numerous mobility opportunities in Europe: exchanges, internships, training.

These activities are financed by the European Union and can take place in the 27 EU countries + some candidate countries (Turkey, Serbia and Northern Macedonia) as well as Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein,

If you want to participate in one of these activities or request information, please contact your Erasmus departmental coordinator or Véronique Van Cauter, international coordinator: (

om EU + some countries which are applying for membership (Turkey) and also Serbia, Norway, Island, Liechtenstein and North Macedonia.

If you want to take part in one of those activities or asking for informations sign up by mail to

Discover the Erasmus Charter 2021-2027.

THE HEAJ – 2020-2025


Conscious of the major society challenges for its future graduates, the  Haute Ecole Albert Jacquard has decided to dedicate an essential role to the international dimension of its strategy.

Indeed, opening up to the international dimension enables the entire educational community, students, teachers and staff members to live new experiences and develop a more open-minded approach to the world.

In addition, it allows our students and staff not only to acquire specialized skills and knowledge or improve their foreign languages competences but also brings them transversal skills that are extremely important in today’s increasingly globalized world: interculturality, adaptability, critical thinking, are indeed an asset on the job market.

With this open-mindedness in mind, the HEAJ has drafted a global strategic vision, listed its priorities in this area and set precise objectives for the next five years. We invite you to discover them below.


– Develop students’ transversal and soft skills (open-mindedness, intercultural skills, autonomy, adaptability, foreign languages, …)

– Help disadvantaged countries to develop through cooperation projects

– Increase the international (and regional) visibility of the HEAJ

– Improve the quality of the welcoming and integration activities of incoming students

– Experimenting with new teaching methods and improving the quality of our teaching (through teacher and staff mobility in particular).

– Increasing the link with business and the world of work

– Internationalization at home*


– Conduct an effective communication campaign, both internally (to raise the profile of the IR service) and externally (to improve the international visibility of the HEAJ).

– Provide intercultural preparation for the whole educational community and in particular for students/teachers going on mobility.

– Improving the language skills of students and teachers

– Developing cooperation projects with the most disadvantaged countries

– Reinforce student mobility (through Erasmus study periods and internships)

– Increasing teacher mobility (training/teaching assignments/visiting experts)


Create an ad-hoc committee on communication (internal and external) to prepare the work of the communication unit

Create an intercultural module for students going on mobility: end of May 2020

Offer an English course for all staff in all departments : From 2021

Build a course module on interculturality, optional for all, students and teachers and staff

Create an Incoming student reception committee composed of one student per category, an administrative relay point in each department and a relay point at the international service: from 15/09/20

Develop cooperation projects: appointing a person responsible for cooperation within the HEAJ to help with the drafting of projects, being part of the ARES ad-hoc commission, finding sources of funding;

– Develop one or two joint programs by 2025 :

– Increase student mobility as follows:

Global percentage of students going on mobility: 20% by 2025

Percentage of students taking part in an Internship abroad: 15% by 2025

Percentage of students taking part in a study period abroad 10% by 2025

Increase teaching and staff mobility to reach  5% of participation in 2025


– Europe (Northern Europe, Germany, Italy, Switzerland)

– North Africa (Morocco, Senegal, …)

– Asia (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan)

– Canada